- You will never be skinny enough, smart enough, pretty enough, clever enough, talented enough, or rich enough, to suit anyone else. Stop trying. Be enough for you. You have been given everything you need to make your life here matter.
- You were born with an internal GPS to help you navigate your life and decisions. Learn to pay attention to the directions it calls out.
- The absolute most precious moments in your life will be the quietest and the simplest. Treasure and live in those.
- People will treat you exactly how you give them permission to treat you.
- Sleepless nights and worry are the biggest waste of time. Drink hot milk. Pray. Watch old episodes of Big Bang Theory.
- Forgive. Forgive. Forgive. Yourself. Everyone else. In that order.
- Just get started.
- Right foot. Left foot. Right foot. Left foot. This will take you anywhere you want to go.
- Begin your day with a gratitude list. End your day with a gratitude list.
- Dream more. It’s free.
- Treat yourself like you would treat the person you love more than life itself.
- Share where you've been and what you've learned, without fear. Be authentic.
- Whatever you water and nurture grows - relationships, friendships, your attitude, blessings, and hope. Fertilize wisely.
- Take just about everything you see and hear with a grain of salt. Trade in judgement for the faith of a grain of a mustard seed.
- Pretend you are the Divine for the day, and look at others through That Pair of Eyes.
17. Be your own guru. This in no way diminishes contributions others can make to the quality of your life and your personal growth. It means, learn to trust yourself. Your Voice is important. Honor what it has to say too.
On to the next decade. One precious day at a time.