I had this ridiculous goal early Spring to arrive Sexy, at Sixty. I defined sexy as being twenty pounds lighter. As my littlest grand-daughters say about a “hot chick”...Boom baby! That would be me, I thought.
If you would have asked me in my 20’s or even 30’s if I could fathom what 60 would look like I would have said, “Lying in a box, six feet underground- probably sporting a hot pink stiletto, shoe still intact on a little skeletal foot.” I never imagined I would live long enough to qualify for senior discounts or lose my abs to make room for a comfy marshmallowy grandma pillow. Who would have thought I would sincerely admire the tattle tale lines all over my face that divulge how much I’ve worried, laughed, and squinted at the warmth and pleasure of the sun. My memoir could be written tracing through those facial grooves. I’m also of the age, I can connect the dots with the funky spots that have magically appeared overnight, all over what used to be silky, spotless flesh. I could easily use those brown spots on my hand to create a senior citizen’s tattoo, coloring in a yin-yang sign on one hand and the familiar symbol of peace on the other. Those would be an appropriate symbol for what I represent these days as well as reflect some pretty important lessons I’ve learned, all because I’ve had the privilege of growing older. My skin now feels more like a fine old leather hand-bag, broken in, comfortable and classic. I’m allowed to make jokes, laugh at, and appreciate my own baby boomer aging. Because I’ve learned through all the disappointment, loss, tragedy, and time, how precious life is. Mine has been a great adventure, and I am incredibly grateful.
I find myself appreciating things I was never comfortable with in my younger years. Living alone doesn’t mean I LIVE my life alone. I’m blessed with such a diverse group of friends who I’ve grown to treasure FOR their differences. I was pretty judgemental in my younger years, too close minded to move out of the clan I thought I needed to belong in. These last few decades, some of my most phenomenal moments have happened because I stepped out of my comfort zone, and joyfully cannonballed into people, activities, and environments that were different. I’ve grown and learned so much more about life, sharing with those whose philosophies and lifestyles were unique from mine.
I’m easily entertained these days too. A cheap date. I get just as much pleasure lying on a blanket with a loved one, stargazing, life-sharing, and sucking on cherry red Twizzlers, as dining in a five star restaurant. When I do dine in a five star restaurant, I probably qualify for the seniors menu. Do five -star restaurants have a discounted menu? Best of all, I will heartily enjoy the cuisine unafraid of packing on a few pounds. I am not in the least interested in sacrificing one moment of delicious for the pinched face of deprivation.
I’m calmer. Oh, don’t get me wrong... I can get riled up by politics, injustice, and evil in the world. I rant for a short time. Then I’m done-- cleansed of all resentments, roadblock free, and pick up the crayon of my choice rather than letting people, places, and things color in my day. I love this, I think, the most.
I’m accepting without being resigned. I know where I can change things, and where I can’t. I don’t waste energy anymore that could be used for a greater good trying to change others. I’m peaceful, but not complacent. I don’t turn my back on the injustices of life. I recognize I can do my best to implement change by being honest and kind just as easily as being radically obnoxious.
Being authentic and honest is more important to me these days than being liked or accepted and winding up where I don't belong.
I delight in the day without having an agenda of how that day should go. I don’t need much to make me happy; really only the basic human needs of food, shelter, security, and love. There was a time I thought I would be happy when..... I’m happy now. All the joy I was always looking for I find in nature, the faces of my loved ones and friends, a good ice cream cone, small (and sometimes big) adventures, and going to bed every single night of my life, knowing I am loved.
All my Spin classes, salads, and prayers to be lighter haven’t paid off like I perceived they would. It’s really been the exercise of putting one foot in front of the other, grasping life’s brass ring, one day at a time that has truly made me Sexy at Sixty.
On that note, this little Sex Pot thinks it’s time to retire.... this blog at least and LIVE my well examined life, one day at time. Cheers to Life, at every age! Boom baby!