It certainly wasn’t my intent to write about my middle grand-daughter, last. Don’t let her birth order lull you into thinking the psychology of middle child syndrome is at play here. No one would ever deign treat Sydney Rebecca as an afterthought, or minimize her importance to the world! She’ll set you straight with a look that’ll make you feel foolish for being so out of touch with her divineness. When asked what she wants to be when she grows up, she will tell you a dancer, a diva, and a super-model. Don’t waste your breath explaining super models are generally quite tall. She’ll respond with a shrug of her shoulders and confidently retort, “ I’m going to be the first short super model.” When she was born, I gasped and my first words were, “Oh, my gosh, this baby is absolutely beautiful.” She was. A tinier version of the Gerber Baby, all round, rosy, perfectly shaped, eyes wide open and alert. At first breath, her little cry commanded attention. Every bit of energy in that room, was directed towards her. She turned heads as a baby, a toddler, a pre-schooler. Her magnetism is as powerful today.
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Guess who Mimi? Santa! |
When she was very little, she had this air of entitlement. It was HER mom, HER dad, HER sister, HER toy, and HER time. As she has grown older, she has learned to temper those overt demands by manipulating and playing the little coquette, drama queen, or comic; whatever role she feels will work its magic in getting her way. She’s very good at it too. She can read people, at first meeting with a piercing vision that leaves you feeling naked and vulnerable. You get the sense she knows you better than you know yourself. She’s not adverse to using your weaknesses against you to get you to see her way of thinking either. Before you know what hit you, you’re mesmerized, and find yourself dancing to her tune, joyfully becoming a part of her growing conga line of admirers! Her intuitive nature isn’t always self serving. She seems to know what you need, and has an innate ability to make you feel like the most important person in the world (right behind her of course)! If you’re sad, she senses it. Not only does she feel it, but diagnoses the cure appropriately with whatever you need; empathy, hugs and loving, or silliness and laughter. She is the Queen Bee of funny faces and mime.
Sydney always the Fashionesta! |
Her tenacity is one of her greatest attributes. The spirit of Winston Churchill lives on in Ms. Sydney, and she is inclined to never, ever quit. This quality is especially inspiring when you witness "giving it her all" at basketball games. She is an itty-bitty girl and her tiny stature borders on comical with most of the players towering over her. But, she’s a little bull-dog when it comes to defense, nipping at the the knee caps of her opponents. The most joyful moment I witnessed recently, was an entire gym of spectators, crossing their fingers as her shot spiraled towards the basket in slow motion, swooshed through the net after approximately 100 determined trys. The crowd rose and roared. She never gives up!
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Dancer, Diva, Super Model |
One of her favorite things to do is don dress up clothes and walk the red carpet, striking a pose. She has the Art of THE WALK of Miss America, a Victoria Secret Angel, and Paris Fashion Week, mastered. She can do the parade wave and blow kisses without missing a beat. Prancing in dance clothes from past performances, dripping in rhinestones, a marabou fur throw twisted around her shoulders, she’s an 8 year old Mae West. She loves to dance as well, and has the gift of rhythm and flexibility. Because of her natural ability, two years ago, she was asked to be a part of our local Competition Team representing her dance studio. She declined because it would interfere with her Daisy meetings (Girl Scouts), basketball, and softball. She wasn’t ready to commit to just one passion yet; there are just too many other adventures to be had! One of her other hobbies is baking and her Great-Grandma M. has helped develop that skill. They have been known to make some incredible desserts and coffee pie is Sydney's specialty! Look out Julia Child, this little mite has the charisma to become the next cooking show diva - rather than those trademark pearls, it will be diamonds and stilettos!
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International Spy |
The depth of her interests and personality can be disarming. Just about the time you think she is all fluff and self will run riot, she blows you away with a new interest or says something profound. Christmas this year, she wanted "spy stuff" as she might add "International Bond Girl" to her repertoire of career options. She already seems to have a spiritual sense of who she is and where she came from. Recently, she informed her mom that when we die, we don’t really die.... we just come back again, as a different person, into a new life. Reincarnation. Accusingly, her mother asked me if she had overheard some of my New Age conversations. I assured her that I knew better than to discuss matters of that magnitude around Sydney. We looked at each other in awe at the depth of this little child’s innate beliefs that touched on some enlightened truths!
Exasperating at times when her willfulness runs amok, she's blessed to have two loving gardeners (her parents) who carefully cultivate those buds of fearlessness, while pruning away some of the impulsivity and kindly nurturing self confidence and high esteem. The term born leader is fitting. Sydney Rebecca will be the teeny- tiny girl, from the small town, that made good. She is simply blind to obstacles with a 20/20 vision for opportunity.
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Happy Birthday my beautiful, confident, little lady! |
Sydney will be 8 years old in a few days. Where has the time gone? When she was a little girl, I was her passion. She loved her Mimi intensely, and when she got into trouble, she howled for me to save her from the torture of discipline, routine, or structure. Today Sydney would tell you, we have a special connection- both of us sassy, adventurous, and total girly-girls. She, as well as her sisters are my passion and heart's desire. They show me the real meaning of starting anew, how to act silly, hug often, explore, experience a new kind of enlightenment, love unconditionally, and dream big.... on their behalf..... and, right along with them.