These recent thoughts of my husband are triggered by the pending death of my father-in-law. Over these last days, silently witnessing him struggle to simply breathe or move, my mind spins back to this younger version of him, eleven years ago, fighting for his life as well. The same face, more spotted with time, hair slicked back, painted with grey now, lanky frame practically too long for the hospital bed, evokes many emotions I thought were buried as deeply as my beloved. The difference, this time, is I can envision my husband, his spirit standing on the opposite side of the bed, stroking his dad’s hair in unison with his living brothers and sisters, comforting his father silently, but right along with them. Sending reassuring vibrations to them; letting them know, when Dad leaves his earthly body, he will embrace him tightly, gently take his hand, and walk with him towards the light. My precious middle grand-daughter, Sydney, said to her daddy last night as he was preparing them for grandpa’s eventual journey to heaven, “Daddy, Mark and he will be laughing together.” I can truly hear that. The boisterous, HA laugh of my husband as Tom says to him, “Hey, son... did you hear the one about the.....” What I am most struck by now, is the enormity of the love in the ICU unit of the hospital as a dedicated daughter, wipes her father’s sweaty forehead with a cool cloth. Observing in awe as my big, gruff teddy-bear like brother in law, so tenderly touches his dad. But, most of all, the unspeakable beauty of a wife of almost 60 years, sitting in her wheelchair, by his bedside, not fully recovered from her own recent surgery, stroking his hand as she gently tucks his rosary into its palm. Although he has been unable to converse much, I saw this gentle giant of a man, wink at his beloved sweetheart. My father-in-law has lived a very long fruitful life filled with happy times as well as unspeakable tragedies; yet always shared with friends and family, rejoicing, comforting, protecting. His loss as the Patriarch of this large Irish Catholic clan, is profound, but his love and our love for him remains forever an undeniable imprint on all of our hearts.
Just as I completed this blog, I received a call from my brother-in-law, John. Tom Mahoney has passed onto his new life of joy, reuniting with many of his family and friends. Somehow, I know he will always be a presence at those weddings, ordinations, christenings, graduations, and St. Patrick’s day celebrations. This man of colossal integrity, loved his family so. And, closely following that, he loved a great party!