After his death, and the overload of the previous year, my brain wasn’t operating at full capacity, and emotional intelligence was about at the level of a two year old toddler. Collegues were understanding, empathetic, responsive and generous; traits that weren’t present with my previous corporate blood-suckers. Once, again, much later, I saw that God really placed me exactly where I needed to be. As instructed by grief counselors, good friends and a stack of recovery literature, I stayed put, no major changes for at least a year they said. I knew at some point this job wouldn’t provide me with enough to fill the void left by the loss of not only my husband, but all of those things that came with being a busy, social butterfly, married to a like minded adventurer. A year into my grief, I felt like I was walking in quick sand, and if I didn’t do something, make a change, try something new, I would be buried alive by pain and mediocrity. The real fear was that I just might find myself quite comfortable there. Sometimes, when we are in situations that agonizingly twist us into limp dish rags, we don't have enough energy to do much more than get complacent with the misery. I knew I needed to stick my baby toe into the overwhelming project of rebuilding a life for myself.
I made several significant decisions. One, to leave the comfort of my current job. Second, to go back to school, and third, to work part time in a venue that would challenge my grief process on a daily basis, but also, perhaps, aid in my healing. An intuitive and kind friend from the school district, bought the figurine for me as a farewell gift. This “Precious Moment” statue was a wide-eyed little explorer, carpet bag at her feet, lettered with the sentiment, “On My Way.” Hoovering above her head, many signs pointed in random directions; This Way...That Way.... Over Pass.... Under Pass. Sitting on the edge of my bed, holding her in my hand and studying her today, my mind spun back to when I first got her, ten years ago. All I saw then, was the message, “On My Way.” And, it was true, I was. Venturing forward into the unknown, yet with a clear vision and projected outcome. It was not until today, really looking at this treasured gift, that I recognized these past ten years have not been what I planned when I received her.
My life today does not come close to resembling what I saw back when I was “on my way”. It has been a bumpy road of fits and starts and do-overs. It’s been trial and error, emotionally, spiritually, professionally, and romantically. I thought I saw the sign post pointing this way, and when I arrived, a new crossroad, and the best I could do was pray and hope that I was headed in the right direction. Often, I got lost. Sometimes just long enough to resynch my internal GPS and take the overpass. Other times, wandering deep into parts of me, yet unknown for rather long stretches. And, sometimes, arriving at places of the purest, sweetest serenity, adventure and love. Essentially, when I look at the life I have today, with it’s many changes, losses, sweet surprises and pleasures, I am glad all I knew those years ago, was that I was on my way. I don’t need the arrows and signs to point me in a straight line. Wonderful adventures often await when we get lost. For, it’s been in losing my way, that I am finding my way, and learning to savor it, moment by moment.
I think it is interesting that Christi posted this when she did. I've had my blog for several years. I post and delete, post and delete. I become sidetracked by life and don't have time. But, as I'm saying goodbye to a large part of my life, I'm really exploring and trying to find me. I was just thinking while driving on Friday that I should find me while blogging. We'll see if that works this time. But, I'll have to choose another template so we don't match! I'll enjoy reading your exploration : )
ReplyDeleteHi Becky,
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure if you remember me or not, but I worked with you YEARS (I mean, eons!) ago at UCD. My name was Lora Jones was back then, and I worked for Sue Nigh, doing telemarketing. I was there for about 2 years. Well, recently, a few months back, I reconnected with Christi through her Premiere jewelry sales. We're now friends on Facebook and she recently noted that you had started a blog. Well...I LOVE reading blogs, to start with, but being that I remembered you from UCD, I thought it would be interesting, so I started from the bottom and worked my way up. I have to say, you have a knack for writing! Stick with it. :)
I read all your little comments about aging gracefully, etc. and then on to more serious topics like losing your husband and more recently, your F-I-L. The similarities we share are uncanny. You see, I lost my husband almost 6 years ago from Leukemia. My son was only 3 at the time. But reading your post about all the changes you went through that year, from losing your husband, to losing your job...that was my world as well. I lost my job of 6 years just one month before my husband died. At the time, I felt as if the carpet had been pulled out from under me. That job was our soul income at the time. How was I going to support our son? How was I going to pay all these medical bills? But little did I know that God had a plan. By me losing my job, a job that I wasn't necessarily happy in, after my husband passed away, because of life insurance and survivor benefits, I was able to do something I had always dreamed of doing...I became a stay-at-home mom and took that time to spend with my son. I know that God allowed that to happen because of what was to come. My son was going to need me more than ever and we needed time to heal. Together. You summed it all up in your last post when you said "For, it's been in losing my way, that I am find my way, and learning to savor it, moment by moment."
Your blog is refreshing. You're an inspiration. Keep it up. Please. :)
Amie - I have come to know there are no real random messages... Blog away! Let me know so I can follow you. And, if you should find me wandering somewhere out there on your journey to find you. Send me home. You know where I live!
ReplyDeleteI do remember you... And, most recently at Christi's jewelry party, I asked her who the friendly, happy young lady was with Tracey. I am so sorry about the death of your husband. Something that I am frequently struck by, often, the most joyous people are those that have experienced much sadness, failure and tragedy. Maybe that is the gift of surviving and knowing that life and love are still so good. You exude that in your comment... an appreciation and a knowing, our Creator has a plan, no matter what. Thank you for your kind comments. It's cathartic for me and hopefully I can give something back.... a chuckle, a recognition, a shared secret, a new insight or merely just the knowledge we are all one and although the journeys may be different, the feelings aren't. God Bless you Lora!
Good stuff, Becky! I must say you do have a way with the words..thank you for taking the time to write. What a wonderful way to share your experience, strength and hope. Our Creator does have a plan for each one of us..this I know from experience. Some days I'm really comfortable with that knowledge, that faith, really--then there are those days when, for whatever reason, I want to take back over and say "What the heck is taking you so long?" I'm not very patient sometimes..haha. All I know is I'm getting to grow up a little bit at a time and I am becoming someone that I'm proud of..this is good! Thank you for reaching out to me...much love to you! Laurie